About the Dashboard Page

SEP's Dashboard page is an management tool that brings an organization's requirements data together into one central view. With elements on the Dashboard, users can quickly see which USCCB requirements currently require attention and get high-level views of an organization's compliance performance. Drill-down interactions enable users to shift from an overview of requirements and assignments data to view specific information in records behind the data.

The SEP Dashboard has five main panels, each providing views of specific SEP metrics:

The panels contain interactive elements that enable you to filter and develop custom views of your data and to drill down to view the data from different viewpoints and in greater detail.

Overview of the Dashboard Page



Dashboard Help Button

Requirement Action Items Panel

Background Checks Category

Trainings Category

Other Category

Total Buttons

Requirement Status Buttons

Requirement Compliance Summary Panel

Requirements Selector

Export Button

Non-Compliant Button

Compliant Button

Organization List

Compliance Calculations

Assignment Status Summary Panel

Positions Selector

Status Buttons

Organization List

Export Button

Missing Requirements Summary Panel

Requirement Selector

Export Button

Missing Button

Organization List

USCCB National Audit Summary Panel

Audit Date Filter

Apply Button

Positions Table


Overview of the Dashboard Page

The illustration below shows the panels on the Dashboard page. Descriptions of the elements on each panel are provided later in this topic.


The data shown on the Dashboard page is associated only with the organizations the logged-in user has permission to access.


Breadcrumbs are the navigational trail that lets you know which page you are currently on as well as each page you visited before arriving at the current page. The breadcrumb trail reads from left to right, with the link farthest to the left showing the Home page and the links after it showing each page you visited since leaving the Home page.

Each page shown in the breadcrumb trail is a link. Click a link to go directly back to the named page. In the breadcrumb trail illustrated below, the user is currently viewing the Dashboard page:

Clicking the Home link takes you back to the Home page.

 Help Button

Click  to open the SEP Help documentation.

Requirement Action Items Panel

For the organizations you have permission to access, this panel tracks and highlights the progress and status of requirements within three USCCB categories that may require immediate attention: Background Checks, Trainings, and Others. Within each category, interactive information buttons show the total number of requirements currently being tracked as well as the number of requirements currently on hold, in progress toward completion, and expiring or expired. With the click of a button, you can drill down and see the names of individuals that contribute to the summary counts displayed on the panel.

Background Checks CategoryBackground Checks Category

Shows the total number requirements in the Background Checks category along with a breakdown of the number of requirements that fall into each of the following status groups: In Process, Overdue, Hold, Expiring, and Expired. Each status button is clickable. Click the desired button to drill down and view details behind the numbers.

Trainings CategoryTrainings Category

Shows the total of requirements in the Trainings category along with a breakdown of the number of requirements that fall into each of the following status groups: In Process, Overdue, Hold, Expiring, and Expired. Each status button is clickable. Click the desired button to drill down and view details behind the numbers.

Other CategoryOther Category

Shows the total of number of requirements that do not fit into the Background Checks or Trainings categories along with a breakdown of the number of requirements that fall into each of the following status groups: In Process, Overdue, Hold, Expiring, and Expired.. Each status button is clickable. Click the desired button to drill down and view details behind the numbers.

Total ButtonsTotal Buttons

Each requirement category includes a Total button. This button displays the total number of active requirements being tracked within the category. For example, the button illustrated below shows a total of 67 active requirements are currently being tracked in the Background Checks category:

Clicking the Total button for a category provides details behind the number. Details include the name of each individual with an active requirement within the category, the requirement the individual must fulfill along with its current status, requirement due dates, to name a few. 

Requirement Status ButtonsRequirement Status Buttons

Each requirement category breaks down requirements into five status groups for tracking and reporting. As shown below, each group is represented by a button that indicates the type of status (for example, In Progress) and the number of active requirements being tracked in the group. A Total button shows the overall number of requirements that are currently being tracked in the category.

For instructions on monitoring requirements, go to How to Monitor Overdue, Expiring, and Expired Requirements.

  The requirements are associated with assignments at organizations in which the logged-in user has an active user account.

The status buttons are listed and defined below. Click the name of a button to view its description. 


In ProcessIn Process





Clicking any of the status buttons enables you to drill down to view these details:

  For any individual in the list, you can click this button to open their profile to view and manage details pertaining to their assignments and requirements: .

Requirement Compliance Summary Panel

The Requirement Compliance Summary panel shows current compliance/non-compliance rates for a diocese and each of its constituent organizations with regard to the SEP requirements being tracked. 

For each organization you have permission to access, this panel provides a summary of compliance percentages for all requirements and for selected requirements, enabling you to track, analyze, and report on an organization's compliance data in real time. Drill-down capabilities enable you to see the names of individuals who fall into Non-Compliant and Compliant categories. The information presented on this panel is updated automatically to provide you with instant access to real-time requirements data.

An Export feature is provided that lets you export the summary counts or information in the detailed views obtained by applying filters to the data to an Excel file.

Requirements SelectorRequirements Selector

Select a requirement to view its compliance/non-compliance rates. Alternatively, select All Requirements to view rates of compliance/non-compliance for all requirements.

Export ButtonExport Button

Exports the requirement compliance statistics currently displayed in the grid to an Excel spreadsheet. You can export summary data and detail data. For example, if you apply the Requirements selector to the grid to view non-compliant and compliant statistics for a specific requirement, clicking  exports the custom view you create by filtering to a .csv file.

Non-Compliant ButtonNon-Compliant Button

Click this button to view the names of individuals in all organizations with requirements in non-compliance. For an explanation of compliance calculations, go to Compliance Calculations

Compliant ButtonCompliant Button

Click this button to view the names of individuals in all organizations with requirements in compliance. For an explanation of compliance calculations, go to Compliance Calculations

Organization ListOrganization List

The Organization list shows the names of parish organizations within the diocese and compliance/non-compliance rates for each.

Non-Compliant/Compliant Links

In the Organization list, clicking a compliance/non-compliance percentage link lets you drill down to view names of individuals within the organization that have requirements categorized as compliant or non-compliant. 

For an explanation of non-compliance/compliance calculations, go to Compliance Calculations

Sortable Column Headers

You can sort the organizations in the grid by the value in any one the columns. By default, the list is sorted in ascending alphabetic order on the Organization column. To sort on a different column, simply click the desired column header. For example, to sort organizations in the grid in alphabetic order by city, click the City header. 

When you click a header, a sort icon appears next to the header to indicate the order in which the information is sorted:

 Click the column header once to sort the values ascending order. Click the column again to reverse the sort Alternatively, you can click the sort icon to change the sort order.

: ascending order (alphabetically from A to Z; numerically from 1 to 10).

: descending order (alphabetically from Z to A; numerically from 10 to 1).

Compliance CalculationsCompliance Calculations

The rates presented on the Requirement Compliance Summary tile are derived from the following calculations:

Assignment Status Summary Panel

This panel shows you all positions in the organizations you have permission to access. The positions are broken out by organization and organized into three groups according to their current status: Active, Pending, and Not Active. A count of positions by status category is provided along with a total count representing the total number of positions in the three status groups. Drill-down capabilities take you from top-level summary of counts to a detailed view of your source data (the individuals that make up the counts).

An Export feature is provided that lets you export the summary counts or information in the detailed views obtained by applying filters to the data to an Excel file.

Position SelectorPosition Selector

By default, the Position selector is set to show status counts for all positions in all organizations listed in the grid. These are the organizations you have permission to access. To view status counts for a specific position, select the desired position from the dropdown list, as shown in this illustration:   

Export ButtonExport Button

Exports the assignment status statistics currently displayed in the grid to an Excel spreadsheet. For example, if you apply the Positions selector to the grid to view status numbers for a specific position, clicking  exports the custom view you create by filtering to a .csv file.

Status ButtonsStatus Buttons

The status buttons show the number of assignments in each of three status groups plus a grand total. The buttons have drill-down capability, so you can click one to see the individuals assigned to positions currently set to that status. 

Organization ListOrganization List

The Organization list shows the names of organizations you have permission to access. For each organization, the grid shows the number of positions and the number of positions in each of these status categories: Active, Pending, Not Active.

Organization Name Links

As illustrated below, each organization in the grid is a clickable link. Clicking the link opens the organization's record to show details, such as the type of organization and its address.

Assignment Status Links

As illustrated below, the values in the status columns are clickable links. Clicking the link opens a window where you can view the names of individuals whose position is set to that status. For example, in the illustration below, clicking the 24 in the Active column displays the names of the 24 individuals serving in the selected position a position whose status is set  to Active

Sortable Column Headers

You can sort the organizations in the grid by the value in any one the columns. By default, the list is sorted in ascending alphabetic order on the Organization column. To sort on a different column, simply click the desired column header. For example, to sort organizations in the grid in ascending or descending order by active positions, click the Active header. 

When you click a header, a sort icon appears next to the header to indicate the order in which the information is sorted:

 Click the column header once to sort the values ascending order. Click the column again to reverse the sort Alternatively, you can click the sort icon to change the sort order.

: ascending order (alphabetically from A to Z; numerically from 1 to 10).

: descending order (alphabetically from Z to A; numerically from 10 to 1).

Missing Requirements Summary Panel

Each position in your SEP database is associated with one or more requirements. The information on this panel helps you identify individuals who are missing a requirement that should be present on their record based on the positions they are assigned to. Occasionally, a requirement is unintentionally deleted or not assigned, and the information on this panel can help expose those records. The top-level summary shows missing requirements counts for the organizations you have access to. Drill-down capabilities enable you find the records of individuals that make up those counts.

An Export feature is provided that lets you export the summary counts or information in the detailed views to an Excel file.

Requirement SelectorRequirement Selector

By default, the Requirement selector is set to show requirements counts for all requirements in all organizations listed in the grid. These are the organizations you have permission to access. To view counts for a specific requirement, select the desired position from the dropdown list. The grid updates to show information pertaining to the requirement you selected. 

Export ButtonExport Button

Exports the missing requirements statistics currently displayed in the grid to an Excel spreadsheet. You can export summary data and detail data. For example, if you apply the Requirements selector to the grid to view a specific requirement, clicking  exports the custom view that you created by filtering to a .csv file.

Missing ButtonMissing Button

The Missing button  shows you the number of missing requirements across all organizations in the grid. Click the button to view the names of all individuals with active assignments who are missing requirements.

Organization ListOrganization List

The Organization list shows the names of organizations you have permission to access. For each organization, the grid shows the total number of missing requirements.

Organization Name Links

As illustrated below, each organization in the grid is a clickable link. Clicking the link opens the organization's record to show details, including the type of organization and its address.

Total Links

As illustrated below, for each organization listed in the grid, the number in the Total column is a clickable link. Clicking the link opens a window listing the missing requirements for all active assignments. The window provides additional drill-down features that enable you to access details in the records of individuals, details in position records, and details in requirement records.

USCCB National Audit Summary Panel

The USCCB National Audit Summary panel pulls your organization's requirements data for training and background check requirements together in one location. For the selected audit period, the panel shows a summary count of individuals in each of the following USCCB position categories: 

Requirement counts for each position category can be submitted to the USCCB to document your organization's compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

Drill-down capabilities in the table at the bottom of the panel enable you to see the names of individuals behind the summary counts. An Export feature lets you export the names an Excel file.

 Audit Period FilterAudit Period Filter

The Audit Period filter lets you select the desired date range for calculating your organization's USCCB data. As shown below, the filter includes three preset options: one for the current audit period (the default) and one each for the two periods prior to the current one. An audit period is twelve months, starting on July 1 of the initial year and ending on June 30 of the following year.

The filter also includes a Custom Date Range option. As the name suggests, select this option to create a custom audit period by entering your own start and end dates.

 Apply ButtonApply Button

Click  to generate counts in the USCCB requirements categories for which your organization has position data.

You can submit these numbers to the USCCB National Audit Chart C/D. Follow the USCCB instructions for audit submissions.

  Counts are provided only for the position categories in which your organization has reporting data. So, for example, if your organization has no Youth/Children position defined, the results provide no counts for that position category.

For information about how the counts derived, go to How the SEP Calculates Counts for USCCB Chart C/D Requirements Categories.

Positions TablePositions Table

The Positions table at the bottom of the panel organizes your requirements data in a grid format of rows and columns. Each USCCB position category occupies a single row, and the columns identify the four categories in which the USCCB tracks compliance: 

Each cell shows the number of individuals in each requirement category. For example, the table below shows that during the selected audit period, three deacons in the organization completed their background check requirement, while one deacon had not yet done so. Four volunteers completed their training requirement while eight had not yet completed theirs.

Does a given number look too high or too low? A quick way to see the details behind a summary count is to click the number. In the above illustration, clicking the 3 in the Deacons > Background Checks Completed cell opens a window showing names of the three deacons who completed their background check requirement during the selected audit period:  


You can use the information in the underlying records to verify the accuracy of your position counts prior to submitting them to the USCCB.

An Export button  in the top-right corner of the detail window lets you export underlying records to an Excel file.

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© January 31, 2024 Safe Environment Program v2.31. ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.