How to Monitor Overdue, Expiring, and Expired Requirements

The system automatically checks the status of requirements and flags those that are overdue, expiring, and nearing their expiration dates. You should regularly check the requirements in these groups and take action to move them forward through the process to completion. This topic shows you a couple of ways to monitor requirements that are overdue, expiring, or expired.

Monitoring from the Dashboard Page

The Dashboard organizes requirements in three broad categories: Background Checks, Training, and Other. This high-level view lets you see at a glance how many requirements within each category currently need some type of action. Under each broad category, you can click status buttons to drill down to view details for requirements.

  1. On the Home page, click the Dashboard tile to open the Dashboard. For example:

Within each of the three categories, a status button displays the number of requirements assigned to these action areas: In ProcessOverdue, HoldExpiring, and Expired. Additionally, the buttons are color-coded to alert you to the immediacy of the action required:

  1. To drill down and view details for requirements in the Overdue, Expiring, or Expired categories, click the desired status button.

For example, to view all overdue background checks, click the Overdue button in the Background Status group. The details include the names of individuals, the type of requirement needing action, and the Due Date column shows the exact date the requirement was due. 

Note that a given individual may have more than one requirement in the selected category. The count takes this into consideration, so when you view the details you may see the same individual listed multiple times, once for each requirement. 

  1. If desired, you can open a person's profile to review requirements associated with their positions. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to review the individual's profile in the same window, click their name link.
    • If you want to review the individual's profile in a separate tab, click your right mouse button on their name link. On the displayed menu, select the Open link in new tab option. Then, select the new tab. (The benefit of viewing a profile in a separate tab is you do not have to navigate back to the Individuals page after reviewing a profile. You can simply close the tab and return to the tab that is still displaying the Individuals page).
  2. Based on the information provided in the profile, take the actions necessary to move the individual's requirements forward.

  Moving a requirement forward depends on where it is in the process toward completion. For example, moving a screening requirement forward may entail initiating a background check or reaching out to the background check provider to obtain a result while moving a training requirement forward could be as simple as registering the individual for an online course. Volunteers and employees with certifications set to expire may need a reminder. In such instances, moving their requirements forward may require a phone call or email to remind them to complete a certification. 

Monitoring from the Individuals Page

On the Individuals page, you can conduct focused searches to find specific requirements flagged as overdue, expiring, or expired. For example, suppose you want to find which individuals have not completed their medical physicals. You can used the filtered search feature on the Individuals page to find the exact requirement you want to monitor.

  1. Open the Individuals page.
  2. Click  to open the Filters panel.
  3. Depending on the specific requirements you are interested in evaluating, select the desired filters.

For example, suppose you want to find individuals with overdue medical physicals. To do this, you could select the Medical Physical filter in the Requirement group and the Overdue filter in the Requirement Status group.

The Individuals grid updates to show you the names of individuals matching your search criteria. 

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Filters panel, click X to it. Alternatively, click the Individuals grid to close it.
  2. If desired, you can open a person's profile to view details for a  requirement. To do this, their name link and then scroll down to the Requirements panel. 
  3. Based on the information provided, take the actions necessary to move the individual's requirements forward.

  Moving a requirement forward depends on where it is in the process toward completion. For example, moving a screening requirement forward may entail initiating a background check or reaching out to the background check provider to obtain a result while moving a training requirement forward could be as simple as registering the individual for an online course. Volunteers and employees with certifications set to expire may need a reminder. In such instances, moving their requirements forward may require a phone call or email to remind them to complete a certification. 


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