How to Review Missing Requirements Data
The Missing Requirements Summary panel on the Dashboard page identifies individuals who are missing a requirement that should be present in their record
based on positions they are assigned to.
Occasionally, a requirement is unintentionally deleted or not assigned. The information provided this panel can help expose the records of individuals who are missing a requirement. Additionally, in the event that an a position is updated with a new
requirement after the position has already been assigned to individuals, you can use the missing requirements data to identify those individuals who will need to have their records updated with the new requirement. After identifying them, you can
use the Bulk Update utility to quickly update their records with the new requirement.
- On the Home page, click the Dashboard tile.
- The Missing Requirements Summary panel provides the following information:
- A summary count of the number of missing requirements for all positions in the organizations you have permission to access.
- Missing requirements counts broken out by organization.
- Use the panel's drill-down features to move from summary counts to detailed views of your missing requirements data. Following are some examples of how you might create views of missing requirements data:
- To view missing requirements data for all organizations, click the Missing button: . A window opens to show the data collected for each missing requirement. Using the links in the window, you can drill down even further into actual records to view details and, if necessary, correct issues
- To view missing requirements for a specific position, select the desired requirement from the Requirement dropdown list:
The grid updates to show metrics for the selected requirement. Drill-down links in the grid let you go down a level to view details behind the numbers.
- To view missing requirements data for a specific organization, click the number link in the Total column, as illustrated below:
A window opens to show the information collected for each missing requirement. Using the links in the window, you can drill down further into actual records to view details and, if necessary, correct issues.
If you need to edit a record listed in the window, right-click the record's link. The record opens in a new browser tab where you make changes and save them. For example, to edit an individual's record, right-click the individual's name to open their record. To edit a requirement record, right-click the requirement link to open the record.
- If desired, export the data currently displayed in the panel (summary or details). To do this, click this button in the upper-right corner: (Export), give the file a name, and
then click .
Related Topics
About the Dashboard Page
How to Bulk Update Requirements
© January 31, 2024 Safe Environment Program v2.31. ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.