How to Start Using Safe Environment

You have completed the setup of SEP for your organization. What do you do next? This topic lists the tasks to help you get started using SEP and points you to topics with instructions to enable you to complete those tasks. 


Before you can start using SEP to track training and background screening requirements, you must set up and configure the program. If you haven't completed the setup, go to this topic and complete all of the setup steps: How to Initially Set Up and Configure Safe Environment.

In the list below, click an item to expand it and view details. Click the item again to close it:  

Enter data for the staff and volunteers whose requirements you will trackEnter data for the staff and volunteers whose requirements you will track

You need to create a record for each individual serving in your organization whose screening and training requirements you want to track. The record contains personal data that identifies the individual, including their name, phone number, email address, and sensitive information, such as their date of birth.

In the record you create, you will also specify the positions the individual serves in and associate the requirements and screening needed to perform the responsibilities of those positions. 

To create a record for the individuals you will track, click the links below in the order given and follow the instructions in the topics:

 Add individuals

 Add assignments to an individual's profile

 Add requirements to individual's profile

Review and manage requirementsReview and manage requirements

A requirements management plan can help your organization implement its policies and procedures for creating and maintaining a safe environment for young people. Requirements management includes monitoring and tracking requirements and accurately and consistently updating their statuses; monitoring individuals' compliance with requirements by checking for those that are overdue, expiring, and expired and moving them forward; renewing requirements that have expired or are nearing their expiration dates.

Requirements management is a core SEP task that helps maintain the integrity of your records. Take the necessary actions to ensure that requirements data is up to date, complete, and historically accurate. The list below provides links to topics that provide instructions to help you manage your requirements data.  

Update the status of screening requirements

Monitor overdue, expired, and expiring requirements

Renew expiring and expired requirements  

Regularly monitor assignmentsRegularly monitor assignments

An organization needs to ensure that its assignments data is accurate, reliable, and up to date for every volunteer and employee.

Maintaining accurate assignment records may determine whether an organization can effectively defend itself against a variety of claims. For example, if an organization ever has to respond to an allegation of abuse, it should be prepared to provide critical documentation about the alleged abuser, which will necessarily include an accurate historical record of where the person served and when (exact assignment start and end dates) and in what capacity. The content of an organization's reporting will also need to include results of required screenings and background checks. While at times burdensome, an organization should maintain and preserve accurate assignment records on all employees and volunteers.

Update records of existing employees and volunteers with new assignments  

Set termination dates for assignments









© January 31, 2024 Safe Environment Program v2.31. ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.