How to Initially Set Up and Configure Safe Environment

This topic guides you through the tasks required to initially set up Safe Environment (SEP). All setup tasks must be completed before an organization can add staff and volunteers to the system and begin tracking and managing their background screening and training requirements. 

Before You Begin

Setting up SEP requires a special Administrator account. This account is set up by ParishSOFT and has no permission restrictions. The user of this account sets up the system and can make all desired changes.

If you do not have an Administrator account, contact ParishSOFT Support.

Initial Setup Tasks

The six tasks required to complete the setup of SEP are listed below. The tasks are numbered. Perform them in the order given.

In the list below, each task contains a link to step-by-step instructions for completing the task. Click the link to open the topic where you can find step-by-step instructions for completing the task. When done, click the <return to > link at the end of the topic to return to the list below. Then, move on to the next step. Continue in this manner until you complete the instructions for the last task in the list.

 Add organization records

 Add requirements

 Add types of positions and specify screening requirements

 Add roles and assign permissions

 Add user accounts

 Enable security on sensitive data fields

Getting Started

Now that you have completed the basic setup tasks, you can add people involved in your ministry or organization into the SEP database, build their profiles, and begin tracking their background check and screening requirements.

To get started, go to How to Start Using Safe Environment.

Related Topics

© January 31, 2024 Safe Environment Program v2.31. ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.