How to Add a Requirement Record

Use this procedure to add the background screening requirements and/or training requirements that your staff and volunteers must pass before being allowed to serve in a certain position. You can add new requirements at any time. Just be sure to add all of the requirements associated with every position in your organization.

  If you are setting up SEP for the first time, you will map the requirements you add to positions you create later in the setup.

  1. Click Settings to open the Settings page.
  2. The page opens in grid view. To view the page in card view, click this button in the toolbar: .
  3. Select the Requirements tile to display a list of requirements currently defined for your organization. If this is your first time accessing the tab, the list contains no records.
  4. Click  to open the Requirement Detail form. Then, do the following:
    1. In the Name field, type a descriptive name for the requirement. 
    2. In the Category dropdown list, select the category to which the requirement belongs. If the requirement does not apply to the Background Checks or Trainings category, select Other.

      Note that the category you select impacts USCCB counts. In other words, if the requirement should be counted as a background check, be sure to select the Background Checks option. If the requirement should be counting as a training, select the Trainings option. If it should not be counted at all, select the Other option.
    3. By default, the Active checkbox is selected to indicate that the requirement is active and can be assigned to an individual. When a requirement is active, it appears in the Requirements dropdown list and can be assigned to an individual's record. If you are not ready to assign the requirement to individuals, deselect the checkbox to remove the checkmark. You can come back later and select the checkbox to activate the requirement. 
    4. In the  Description field, provide a brief description of the requirement.
    5. If desired, in the Due (Days) field specify (in days) when the requirement must be completed. Note that when an individual is assigned a requirement, the system calculates the due date based on the date specified in the Entered field when the requirement is created and on the number of days specified in the Due (Days) field.
    6. If desired, in the Expiration (Months) field specify the number of months until the requirement expires.
  5. Click  to add the requirement.

The requirement is added to the list on the Requirements page.


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