How to Remove a Designation Record from a Fund

A designation is a specific area to which a donor chooses to direct his or her contributions. This procedure shows you how to remove a designation record from a fund. Be aware that when you remove a designation from a fund, the system removes it from every pledge record associated with that fund. 

 If you want to remove a designation from the pledge record of a single donor, go to this topic for instructions: How to Clear a Designation from a Pledge.

 You cannot remove a designation that has been or is currently associated with one or more pledges.

  1. Open the Funds  page.
  2. In the Funds list, locate the fund. To quickly find the desired fund, use the Search or Filter function.

 To find out what content a search accepts, hover your mouse over this input hint: .  

  1. Select the fund's name link to open the fund's record. 
  2. Click the Designations tab to view the Designations Setup page.

This page lists the designations that are currently set up for the fund.

  1. To the right of the designation you want to remove, click .

A message is displayed, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

  1. Click  to delete the designation.

The designation is no longer associated with the fund. The system removes it from the list on the Designations tab.


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