How to Add a New Fund Record

What Is a Fund?What Is a Fund?

A fund is a repository for monies collected or to be collected for a specific financial purpose. An organization can have any number of funds, each for a specific financial purpose. For example, funds can be created to support church building and repair projects, scholarships, relief services, and the training of seminarians and lay ministers, to name a few.

Fund SetupFund Setup

The Fund setup lets you add a record for each of your organization's funds. The fund record provides pertinent details about the fund, including its start and end dates and tax-deductible status.

  1. Open the Funds  page.
  2. In the upper-right, click  (Add New Fund).

A new (blank) fund record is displayed. For descriptions of the fields, go to Fields in the Fund Record

  1. On the left side of the form, enter details into the form fields. Note that an asterisk indicates required information.
  2. On the right side, complete the following:
    • In the Designations section, indicate how designations to the fund should be expressed. Select one: Dollar Amounts or Percentages.
    • Select the checkbox if the fund requires pledges.
    • Select the checkbox if contributions to the fund are tax-deductible per IRS regulations.
    • In the Refunds section, specify how refund and shortfalls payments are handled.
  3. Click  to save the new fund record.

The system adds the fund to the list on the Funds page. Now that a record for the fund is in your system, you can configure these additional properties for the newly added fund: 


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