How to Specify Billing Frequencies for Pledge Payments 

What Are Billing Frequencies?What Are Billing Frequencies?

Billing frequencies are periodic intervals at which payments are made to a fund. Examples of billing frequencies are monthly, quarterly, and annually.

Frequency SetupFrequency Setup

Each fund has billing frequencies associated with it. The Frequency Setup enables you to define the  frequencies when the selected fund accepts pledge payments, for example, monthly, quarterly, or annually. 

  1. Open the Funds  page.
  2. Locate the fund to which you want to add an appeal. To quickly find the desired fund, use the Search or Filter function.

 To find out what content a search accepts, hover your mouse over this input hint: . 

  1. Select the fund's name link to open the fund's record.
  2. Click the Frequency tab to open the Frequency Setup page.

This page lists the billing frequencies you can select for the selected fund. 

  1. For each billing frequency that you want to make available for the fund, complete the following:
    1. On the row containing the frequency value, click  to switch to edit mode.
    2. Set the property values for the frequency. For descriptions of the fields in the frequency record, go to Fields in the Frequency Record

 Only one billing frequency can be set as the default for a fund.

  1. Click  to save the frequency values.

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