In the fund record, the Frequency tab contains options that allow you to provide default billing frequency values for pledges made to a fund.
What Are Fund Frequencies?What Are Fund Frequencies?
Frequencies specify the intended schedule of contributions made to fulfill a commitment to a pledge. Examples of frequency types are monthly, quarterly, and annually.
An advantage of default frequency configurations is that they help optimize the lockbox import process. Frequency data is not required by a bank for lockbox processing, but such data is relevant to your pledge records. If you configure frequency defaults,
the system can fill in missing data fields in imported records with the required minimum data. For example, a lockbox file may just include the giver ID, the amount given, and the date of the gift. If you configure default frequency information,
the system will fill in the blank frequency fields in a record with the default billing frequency, the number of months to expect payments, and the exact months that a giver will receive statements. Data entry personnel can override the defaults
in individual giver's records.
Click to change a billing frequency value.
Click to save a billing frequency value or to save changes to an existing value.
Click to reverse the previous editing action. If you made no changes, click this button to exit Edit mode.
The list below provides information about each field in the frequency record. Refer to this list when configuring a fund's frequency values. Click the arrowhead next to the field's name to expand it and view its description.
A pledge can be paid in a single payment or in multiple installments. This column lists the available pledge frequencies. Specify values for each frequency you want to make available for the fund. You can set up multiple billing frequencies for the same fund.
Active checkboxActive checkbox
Select this checkbox to make the billing frequency value visible to users so they can select it when setting up new pledges. If you do not want users to see the value in pledge data entry, leave the checkbox blank.
Select the billing frequency you want to serve as the default value assigned to new pledges made to the selected fund. You can select only one value as the default frequency for a fund.
Specify the pledge duration in months for each pledge frequency. For example, if a donor makes a pledge for $4800 to be paid over four years, enter 48 as the number of months (4 years x 12 months = 48 months).
Users can override the default value in pledge data entry.
Jan - Dec checkboxesJan - Dec checkboxes
Select the checkbox next to the months you want pledge reminders sent to givers or payments made through electronic bill pay services.
How to Specify Billing Frequencies for Pledge Payments
How to Edit Billing Frequencies for Pledge Payments
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