About the Field Settings Page

The Field Settings page enables an administrator to provide an additional layer of security to protect SEP data that is considered highly sensitive or personal in nature, such as an individual's social security number and date of birth. The settings on this page enable the administrator to specify which fields in individuals' records are visible to users and which fields are mandatory (must contain a value before they can be saved). 

Overview of the Field Settings Page




Save Field Settings Button

Cancel Field Settings Button

Sensitive Data Fields

Secure Field Checkboxes

Required Field Checkboxes

Overview of the Field Settings Page

The illustration below identifies the main elements on the Field Settings page. Descriptions of these elements are provided later in this topic.


You must have Field SettingsView/Modify/Delete permissions assigned to your role to view and change the settings on this page. Permissions are set on the Permissions tile in the Settings group. For details, consult the table in this topic: Role Permission Settings.


Breadcrumbs are the navigational trail that lets you know which page you are currently on as well as each page you visited before arriving at the current page. The breadcrumb trail appears in the top-left corner of every page. It reads from left to right, with the link farthest to the left always being the Home page and the links after it showing each page you visited since leaving Home.

Each page shown in the breadcrumb trail is a link. Click a link to return to the named page. In the breadcrumb trail illustrated below, the user is currently on the Settings page:

Clicking Home takes the user back to the Home page.


The toolbar in the upper-right corner contains a set of frequently used command buttons. These buttons are listed below. Click an item to expand it and view its description.

 Field Settings Help Field Settings Help

Opens the Help documentation for the Field Settings page.

 Save Field Settings ButtonSave Field Settings Button

After you select settings to make a field secure and/or mandatory, click to save your settings.

 Cancel Field Settings ButtonCancel Field Settings Button

Reverses or undoes all previous actions. For example, if you mistakenly selected the Secure checkbox for the Social Security Number and Address fields, click  to undo changes.

Sensitive Data Fields

This section lists four SEP fields that contain sensitive data:

Secure Field Checkboxes

  For a given field, you cannot select both the Secure and Require checkboxes.

The Secure checkbox to the right of each field lets you control visibility of the field in each individual's record. Each field's checkbox presents a two-option setting. Simply select or deselect a checkbox to enable/disable field-level security.

Required Field Checkboxes

  You cannot select the Secure checkbox and the Require checkbox for the same field.

The Required checkbox lets you specify whether the named field must contain a value before the record can be saved. Select or deselect the checkbox to enable (checked)/disable (not checked) mandatory input. By making a field mandatory, you can ensure that certain information is collected for individuals.

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© January 31, 2024 Safe Environment Program v2.31. ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.