The Permissions page is where an SEP administrator defines the roles for the organization and assigns specific permissions to each role.
Overview of the Permissions Page
Individuals, Assignments, Requirements Group
The illustration below identifies the main elements on the Permissions page. Descriptions of these elements are provided later in this topic.
Breadcrumbs are the navigational trail that lets you know which page you are currently on as well as each page you visited before arriving at the current page. The breadcrumb trail appears in the top-left corner of every page. It reads from left to right, with the link farthest to the left always being the Home page and the links after it showing each page you visited since leaving Home.
Each page shown in the breadcrumb trail is a link. Click a link to return to the named page. In the breadcrumb trail illustrated below, the user is currently on the Settings page:
Clicking Home takes the user back to the Home page.
SEP users are not assigned permissions directly. They acquire permissions to perform specific actions through roles they are assigned to. A role, therefore, consists of a group of specific permissions that allows the user access to features and the ability to perform certain tasks. The Roles panel is where you create and manage your organization's roles. You can define as many roles as needed, and then grant specific permissions to each role.
When you first open the Permissions page, the panel contains no roles. When you add roles for your organization, they appear in the list in the Roles panel. After a role is added, you can then assign permissions to it and assign the role to individual users. For instructions, go to How to Add Roles and Permissions.
Adds a new role record.
Select the role you want to delete. Then, click this button to delete it.
Permissions govern the actions the user in an assigned role can perform. The Permissions panel is where you can view permissions and assign them to the roles created for your organization.
When you first open the Permissions page, the Permissions panel is closed. To open the panel, select a role as shown in the illustration below.
The permissions are organized by type into five main groups (see previous illustration). Within a group, each permission has a label and is associated with a specific action or set of actions. Checkbox controls enable you to quickly change a role's permissions.
The five groups of permissions are listed below. Click the name of a group to view its description:
Individuals, Assignments, and Requirements GroupIndividuals, Assignments, and Requirements Group
Checkbox options in this group let you set permissions for viewing and managing individuals, and assignments, and requirements within SEP. For descriptions of the options, go to Role Permission Settings.
Checkbox options in this group let you manage permissions in the Settings categories. For descriptions of the options, go to Role Permission Settings.
Organizations GroupOrganizations Group
Checkbox options in this group let you permit and restrict user access to organization records and the ability to make changes to those records. For descriptions of the options, go to Role Permission Settings.
Dashboard GroupDashboard Group
Settings in this group let you permit or restrict user access to the USCCB dashboard. For descriptions of the options, go to Role Permission Settings.
Notifications GroupNotifications Group
Checkbox options in this group let you designate which roles can receive text and/or email notifications whenever a change is made to certain requirements. For descriptions of the options, go to Role Permission Settings.
Permissions HelpPermissions Help
Opens the Permissions Help page.
Save Role PermissionsSave Role Permissions
Saves permissions settings.
Cancel Role UpdateCancel Role Update
Cancels the previous changes.
Restrict Allowed RequirementsRestrict Allowed Requirements
In the Individual Requirements permissions group, when the Modify checkbox is selected the user in the selected role can modify all requirements. If you want to limit which requirements a user can modify, click this button to open the Allowed Requirements panel. In this panel, you can select which requirements a user can modify. For instructions, go to the Modify permission setting in the Individual Requirements permissions group.
How to Add Roles and Assign Permissions
© January 31, 2024 Safe Environment Program v2.31. ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.