Role Permission Settings

In SEP, permissions to access data and to perform certain tasks are assigned to specific roles. This topic describes the permission settings that can be assigned to an SEP user's role. 

Individuals, Assignments, and Requirements





Individuals, Assignments, and Requirements

The checkbox options in this group let you set permissions for viewing and managing individuals, and assignments, and requirements within SEP.

 Select All: select the checkbox to select all permission settings in this group at the same time.

Individuals, Assignments, and Requirements



Allows the user to edit the records of individuals that belong to organizations in which the user also has an assignment.

A user belonging to a role with the Edit permission assigned can edit the profile fields in the records of individuals who have a non-end dated assignment in the organization in which the user also has an active assignment.

If an individual does not have a non-end dated assignment in the organization in which the user has an active assignment, the user cannot edit that person's profile. Additionally, a user belonging to a role that does not have Edit permission cannot edit the profile fields in any individual's record. 


Allows the user to add new records for individuals that belong to organizations in which the user also has an assignment.

Additionally, a user belonging to a role with the Add permission assigned can see this button in the toolbar on the Individuals page:  (Add Individual). A user without this permission assigned to their role cannot see this button.


Allows the user to delete the records of individuals belonging to organizations in which the user also has an assignment.

View Secure Fields 

Allows the user to view data in secured data fields in the records of individuals belonging to organizations in which the user also has an assignment.

View SSN

Allows the user to view the entire (unmasked) social security number in the Social Security Number field in the records of individuals.

The View SSN permission must be configured in conjunction with the View Secure Fields permission. That is, to assign this permission to a role, you must first select the View Secure Fields permission (see previous entry in this table). This activates the View SSN checkbox, so you can select it and add the View SSN permission to the selected role. For users in the role, digits in the social security number appear unmasked in the Social Security Number field in the records of individuals.

Import Individuals 

Allows the user to import records of individuals into SEP.


Allows the user to merge data in the records of individuals to resolve duplicates.

File Attachments   

Allows the user to attach, download, and delete files in the Profile section of an individual's record.

View Secure Attachments

Allows the user to view files attached to an individual's record that are protected (marked as secured  files).

By default, the View Secure Attachments permission is disabled and can be enabled only after the File Attachments permission is enabled (see previous entry in this table). During the file attachment process, only users belonging to a role that has both permissions enabled can see the Secured checkbox in the Profile Attachments window and use it to control whether other users can view the contents of an attached file. All users must have at least one assignment in the same organization.

View Admin Notes

Allows the user to see the Admin Notes field in the Profile section of an individual's record and enter notes into the field. In addition to having this permission assigned to their role, the user must have an assignment at the same organization as the individual to be able to view the contents in the Admin Notes field.

View History

Allows the user to view a history of changes made to an individual's record. A user in a role with this permission enabled can see this button in the toolbar in an individual's record:

Manage Alerts

Allows the user to create, edit, and delete custom alerts in the records of individuals belonging to organizations in which the user has an assignment.

A user in a role with this permission enabled sees the  (Manage Alerts) button on the Detail page in each individual's record. Clicking the button opens the Individual Alert window where the user can create a new alert. If an alert already exists, the user can edit it or remove it, if necessary. 

Individual Assignments

View Detail

Allows the user to view details in the assignment records of individuals belonging to organizations in which the user has an assignment.


Allows the user to edit details in the assignment records of individuals belonging to organizations in which the user has an assignment.


Allows the user to delete assignment records in the records of individuals belonging to organizations in which the user has an assignment.

Modify Ended Assignments 

Allows the user change any fields for assignments that have an end date. For example, the user can change the title of the assignment and its status, if needed. 

Individual Requirements

View Detail

Allows the user to view requirements details in the records of individuals belonging to organizations in which the user has an assignment.

View Outside Own Organization

Allows the user to view details of requirements in the records of individuals belonging to organizations in which the user does not have an assignment.

View Admin Notes

Allows the user to view the Admin Notes field in the Requirements section of an individual's record. 

In addition to having this permission assigned to their role, the user must have an assignment at the same organization as the individual to be able to view the contents in the Admin Notes field.


Allows the user to edit requirement details in the records of individuals belonging to organizations in which the user has an assignment.

When Modify is selected, the user is allowed to edit all requirements. If desired, you can restrict the requirements the user can modify. To do this:

  1. Click  to open the Allowed Requirements window.
  2. At the top of the window, click  to open the Add Restricted Requirements window.
  3. Select the checkboxes only for the requirements you want to allows the user in the selected role to modify.
  4. Click  to add the requirement to the Allowed Requirements list. The user is permitted to modify only the requirements appearing in this list.


Allows the user to delete requirements in the records of individuals belonging to organizations in which the user has an assignment.

Import Requirements 

Allows the user to import requirements from third-party background check and training providers other than Protect My Ministry and Virtus into SEP. Only users who are granted this permission can see the Import Individual Requirements button  in the toolbar on the Individuals page. 

Bulk Update

Allows the user to use the Bulk Update process, an operation that simultaneously updates existing requirements or adds to requirements to the profiles of multiple individuals.

Modify Expiration

Allows the user to manually change expiration dates that are automatically calculated by the system.

File Attachments

Allows the user to attach, download, and delete files in the Requirements section of an individual's record.

Modify for Ended Assignments

Allows users to modify requirements that are tied only to assignments with an end date.

Modify Completed

Allows users to modify requirements that have a Completed or Hold status.

Requirement Processing


Allows the user to see the Protect My Ministry Information section for  a requirement tied to an assignment at the organization in which the user has an assignment.

View Results

Allows the user to see the Protect My Ministry report link for a requirement tied to an assignment at the organization in which the user has an assignment.

Change Status

Allows the user to change the status of any requirement submitted to Protect My Ministry. The requirement must be tied to an assignment at the organization in which the user has an assignment. 

Protect My Ministry API Key

Allows the user to add and edit the API key for Protect My Ministry (on the PMM Management page).


The checkbox options in this group let you manage permissions in the Settings categories.

 You must select the View Settings checkbox before enabling/disabling other permissions in this group. 

 Select All: select the checkbox to select all permission settings in this group at the same time.


View Settings

Allows the user to access the Settings page. You cannot enable/disable other permissions in other categories in the Settings group without first enabling the View Settings permission.



Allows the user to view, modify, and delete requirements on the Settings Requirements page. On that page, they can view, modify, and delete requirements.



Allows the user to view information on the Settings > Positions page. On that page, they can view existing positions, add new positions, modify (edit) existing position profiles, and delete positions.



Allows the user to view information on the SettingsPermissions page. On that page, they can view roles and their permission settings, modify permissions, and delete permissions.




Allows the user to view information on the Settings Users page. On that page, they can view existing users, add new users, modify (edit) existing users' profiles, delete users, and reset passwords. 

Import Users

Allows the user to import user records from external data sources into SEP.

View History

Allows the user to see changes made to another user's SEP profile. 

Only users with this permission assigned to their role can see the  (View History) button, located in the toolbar in each user's record. Clicking the button opens the User History panel that includes information about all changes made to the selected user's SEP profile. 

View Activity

Allows the user to access another user's activity log. This log records all actions performed by the user in SEP.

Only users with this permission assigned to their role can see the  (View User Activity) button, located in the toolbar in each user's record. Clicking the button opens the User Activity panel that includes information about all actions performed in SEP by the selected user. 

Field Settings


Allows the user to view the Settings Field Settings page. On that page, users can indicate which fields in individuals' records are secured (not visible to users without the proper permissions) and indicate which of the fields in individuals' records are mandatory (must contain information before records can be saved).



Allows the user to create, change, and delete lookups on the Lookups page.


The checkbox options in this group let you control users access to organization records and their ability to make changes to those records.

 You must enable View permissions before enabling/disabling other permissions in the Organizations group. 

 Select All: select the checkbox to select all permission settings in this group at the same time.



Controls the user's ability to view the list of organizations on the Organizations page:

  1. Enabled: users assigned to a role with this permission enabled can view the list of organizations
  2. Disabled: users assigned to a role with this permission disabled cannot edit view the list of organizations.

This permission must be enabled/disabled before setting any other permissions in the Organizations group.

View Detail

Controls the user's ability to view details in organization records:

  1. Enabled: users assigned to a role with this permission enabled can view details in organization records. 
  2. Disabled: users assigned to a role with this permission disabled cannot view details in organization records.


Controls the user's ability to edit details in organization records:

  1. Enabled: users assigned to a role with this permission enabled can edit details in organization records. 
  2. Disabled: users assigned to a role with this permission disabled cannot edit details in organization records.


Controls the user's ability to delete organization records:

  1. Enabled: users assigned to a role with this permission enabled can delete organization records listed on the Organizations page. Note that an organization cannot be deleted if it contains individuals with assignments.
  2. Disabled: users assigned to a role with this permission disabled cannot delete organization records on the Organizations page.

Import Organizations   

Controls the user's ability to view import organization records into SEP:

  1. Enabled: users assigned to a role with this permission enabled can import organization records into their SEP system
  2. Disabled: users assigned to a role with this permission disabled cannot import organization records into their SEP system

View Admin Notes

Controls the user's ability to view information in the Admin Notes field in the organization record:

  1. Enabled: the Admin Notes field in the organization record is visible to users assigned to a role for which this permission is enabled. Users can can view the information in the field and modify it as desired. 
  2. Disabled: the Admin Notes field in the organization record is hidden from users assigned to a role for which this permission is disabled.


This group includes settings that let you permit or restrict user access to certain panels on the Dashboard page.

 Select All: select this checkbox to select all permission settings in this group at the same time.


USCCB National Audit                                 

Allows the user to access the USCCB National Audit panel on the Dashboard page.


The settings in this group let you set up a notification scheme to enable users assigned to specific roles to be alerted whenever a requirement of a certain type changes its status or is deleted. The Text and Email checkbox options let you specify how notifications are sent to users; that is, by text and/or email. 

  The Text functionality is currently under development and planned for an upcoming release. 



Requirement Change


Requirement Overdue

Allows users assigned to the selected role to be notified whenever a requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization changes to Overdue status.

To send notifications by text, email, or both, select the desired checkboxes.

By default, users in the selected role are alerted when any requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization changes its status to Overdue.

You can choose which requirements users should be notified about whenever their status changes to Overdue. To do this, click . Then, click  to open the Add Restricted Requirements window. Use the checkboxes to select which requirements users in the selected role should be notified about when the status changes to Overdue

Requirement Hold

Allows users assigned to the selected role to be notified whenever a requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization changes to Hold status.

To send notifications by text, email, or both, select the desired checkboxes.

By default, users in the selected role are alerted when any requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization changes its status to Hold.

You can choose which requirements users should be notified about whenever their status changes to Hold. To do this, click . Then, click  to open the Add Restricted Requirements window. Use the checkboxes to select which requirements users in the selected role should be notified about when the status changes to Hold

Requirement Expiring

Allows users assigned to the selected role to be notified whenever a requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization changes to Expiring status.

To send notifications by text, email, or both, select the desired checkboxes.

By default, users in the selected role are alerted when any requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization changes its status to Expiring.

You can choose which requirements users should be notified about whenever their status changes to Expiring. To do this, click . Then, click  to open the Add Restricted Requirements window. Use the checkboxes to select which requirements users in the selected role should be notified about when the status changes to Expiring.  

Requirement Expired

Allows users assigned to the selected role to be notified whenever a requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization changes to Expired status.

To send notifications by text, email, or both, select the desired checkboxes.

By default, users in the selected role are alerted when any requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization changes its status to Expired.

You can choose which requirements users should be notified about whenever their status changes to Expired. To do this, click . Then, click  to open the Add Restricted Requirements window. Use the checkboxes to select which requirements users in the selected role should be notified about when the status changes to Expired

Requirement Deleted 

Allows users assigned to the selected role to be notified whenever a requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization is deleted.

To send notifications by text, email, or both, select the desired checkboxes.

By default, users in the selected role are alerted when any requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization is deleted.

You can choose which requirements users should be notified about whenever they are deleted. To do this, click . Then, click  to open the Add Restricted Requirements window. Use the checkboxes to select which requirements users in the selected role should be notified about when they are deleted. 

Requirement  Changed by Protect  My Ministry   

Allows users assigned to the selected role to be notified whenever a requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization is updated by the integration with Protect My Ministry.

To send notifications by text, email, or both, select the desired checkboxes.

By default, users in the selected role are alerted when any requirement associated with an assignment held by individuals in their organization is updated by the integration with Protect My Ministry.

You can choose which requirements users should be notified about whenever they are updated by Protect My Ministry. To do this, click . Then, click  to open the Add Restricted Requirements window. Use the checkboxes to select which requirements users in the selected role should be notified about when they are updated. 



© January 31, 2024 Safe Environment Program v2.31. ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.