How to Create a Tax Receipt Summary Report

The Tax Receipt Summary report lists the tax receipts issued by the logged-in user’s organization. The report also includes voided receipts so that an organization, if audited, can use the report to account for all receipt numbers. Each receipt listed in the report shows the following:

To create a Tax Receipt Summary report, complete the following:

  1. Open the Donor Reports page.
  2. Select the Tax Receipt Report option.
  3. Click  to open the Tax Receipt Summary window.
  4. At the top of the window, use the filters to select your search criteria.

The system extracts tax receipts matching your search criteria and lists them in the Results section. The list includes issued and voided tax receipts.

  1. Click this button to generate the report: . Then, select the desired format for the report:
    • Excel: the Excel version uses the same data source as the PDF but may contain more data, which is presented in an .xls layout. Choose this option if you want to do a mail merge or if you want to import the data in the selected report into a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel.
    • PDF: the PDF version is useful for most purposes because it extracts the most commonly needed data from the report and presents it in a well-designed layout. Note that the PDF contains less information than the .xls version and is a more suitable option when you need a document that is easily read.
  2. After you submit a report for processing, the system estimates the time it takes to generate the report. For information on how the system handles report processing, go to How the System Handles Long-Running Reports.
  3. Follow your browser's instructions for opening the downloaded report. 

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