How to Add, Change, or Delete an Individual's Profile Photo

To help with identification, you can add an individual's photo to their profile. This topic shows you how to add a photo, change an existing photo, and delete a photo from a person's record.


To add, change, or delete an individual's profile photo, the user must have Individuals > Modify permissions. 

Profile Photo GuidelinesProfile Photo Guidelines

A photo must conform to these specifications:

Adding a Profile Photo

  1. On the Home page, click the Individuals tile to open the Individuals page.
  2. The page opens in grid view. To view the page in card view, click this button in the toolbar: .
  3. Find the individual whose profile you want to add a photo to. If your list is long, use the search features to find the person you are looking for.
  4. Click the individual's name link to open their record.
  5. To upload a photo, complete the following:
    1. Click the placeholder image to the left of the individual's name to open the Modify Profile Picture window.
    2. Click .
    3. Find the image file on your computer, select it, and then follow your browser's process for uploading files.
      The image file you selected is displayed in the Modify Profile Picture window.
    4. Click  to add the image to the individual's profile.

Changing a Profile Photo

  1. On the Home page, click the Individuals tile to open the Individuals page.
  2. The page opens in grid view. To view the page in card view, click this button in the toolbar: .
  3. Find the individual whose profile photo you want to change. If your list is long, use the search features to find the person you are looking for.
  4. Click this button to open the person's profile: (Individual Profile).
  5. To change the current photo, complete the following:
    1. Hover your mouse on top of the photo image to the left of the individual's name. Then, click  to open the Modify Profile Picture window.
    2. Click .
    3. Find the image file on your computer, select it, and then follow your browser's process for uploading files.
      The image file you selected is displayed in the Modify Profile Picture window..
    4. Click  to change the image.

Deleting a Profile Photo

  1. On the Home page, click the Individuals tile to open the Individuals page.
  2. The page opens in grid view. To view the page in card view, click this button in the toolbar: .
  3. Find the individual whose profile photo you want to delete. If your list is long, use the search features to find the person you are looking for.
  4. Click this button to open the person's profile: (Individual Profile).
  5. To delete the current photo, hover your mouse on top of the photo image to the left of the individual's name. Then, click .

The photo is removed and replaced with a placeholder image.


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