How to Configure the Body of Statement Dropdown List

This topic shows you how configure the Body of Statement dropdown list in the donor reports configuration.

The Body of Statement is the text of the note or letter thanking donors for their gifts. You can create up to five versions of body of statement content and save each version as a template that users can select when creating creating Contribution Detail Statement reports or Canadian Tax Receipt reports. The ability to create multiple templates is especially useful if your organization has different donor segments because it enables you to provide specific and more personalized messaging that can help to engage each group more effectively.

In the setup for the donor report, body of statement templates are stored in the Body of Statement dropdown list. To make a template available organization-wide for users to insert into a donor letter, you must add it as an option to this dropdown list.

The instructions below show you how to create the text for a template and how to add the template to the Body of Statement dropdown list.

 You can add up to five body of statement templates to the Body of Statement dropdown list.

  1. Open the Donor Reports page.
  2. In the upper right, click this button:. From the displayed menu, select this option:  Contents.
  3. For each body of statement template that you want to create, complete the following:
    1. On the Statements tab in the Body of Statement section, click  (Add new Body of Statement).
    2. In the Name field, type a descriptive name for the template. Make sure the name you give each template a unique and descriptive name. Type the name exactly as you want it to appear in the Body of Statement dropdown list. 
    3. In the space provided, type your message text. If desired, use the controls above the text area to format your text. For example, you can select a font and font size that you think pairs well with your message.

      While the text editor offers a number of font choices for the statement text, using the same font for both the statement and salutation ensures a consistent, appealing look. To ensure consistency, we recommend selecting Arial 10 point (the default) for the body of statement text.
    4. Click .

The system adds an option for the template to the Body of Statement dropdown list in the report setup, making it available for users to select and add to the donor letter. 

  If you ever need to edit the name of a template option or remove a template option from the Body of Statement dropdown list, go to How to Manage Options in the Body of Statement Dropdown List for instructions.

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