How to Edit the Details for a Sustaining Gift

Use this procedure to increase or decrease a donor’s gift amount and change other details for a sustaining gift, such as the method used to fund payments for it. 


You must have Add/Edit permissions to edit a sustaining gift's details.


  1. Open the Pledges  page.
  2. Find the sustaining gift record and open it. If you need instructions, go to How to Find a Sustaining Gift Record.
  3. Make the necessary changes to the record.


If you change the amount or frequency of a sustaining gift, the system will end the existing gift and replace it with a new gift that matches your changes.

  1. In the Reason field (required), provide an explanation for the changes you made.
  2. Click
  3. If prompted, confirm your changes to the record.

The system updates the gift record with your changes.


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