How to Find a Sustaining Gift Record

Use either of the following methods to find a sustaining gift record and view its details.

Method 1

  1. Open the Pledges  page.
  2. In the Search field at the top of the page, enter one of the following values:
    • Sustaining Gift ID
    • Family ID
    • Member ID
    • Family Name
    • Member Last Name

Then, click  to view a list of gift records that match your search criteria.

  1. If your search yields multiple records, find the one you want. Then, click the Pledge ID/Donor Name link on the desired record to open it and view its details.

Method 2

  1. Open the Pledges  page.
  2. If the Filter panel on the right is not visible, click  to open it.
  3. Select the desired filter criteria, making sure to select the Sustaining Gifts, Pledges, or Both option from the Gift Type dropdown list.
  4. Click  to display a list of records matching your search criteria.
  5. If your search yields multiple records, find the one you want. Then, click the Pledge ID/Donor Name link on the desired record to open it and its details.


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