How to Search for an Organization

Several methods are available for helping you search for and find the organization you are looking for.

Search by Name

Search Using Multiple Criteria

Search by Organization Type

Clearing Search Criteria

Search by Name

The simplest method to use to find an organization is to search for it by name. This procedure shows you how perform a name search.

  1. On the Home page, select the Organizations tile to open the Organizations page.
  2. In the search field, located above the Organizations grid, type letters in the name of the organization you are looking for.

For example, if the name of the organization is "Holy Family," you could type the letters "Ho," or the words "Holy" or "Family" into the Search field.

  1. Click .

The organizations matching your search criteria are displayed in the Organizations grid.

  1. Select the organization's link to open the organization record.

Search Using Multiple Criteria

The Search field is designed to make it possible for you to build searches based on multiple criteria, for example, by using an organization's city location and phone number. The instructions below show you how to combine search criteria to find the organization you are looking for. 

  1. On the Home page, select the Organizations tile to open the Organizations page.
  2. In the Search field, click  to open the Select All Search Targets menu as shown below:


  1. By default, Name is selected. Select the checkbox for each target you want to use. If you do not want to include the organization's name in the search, deselect the Name checkbox.
  2. In the Search field, type your search criteria. For example, if you are searching for an organization by phone, type one or more digits in the phone number into the Search field.
  3. Click .

The organizations matching your search criteria are displayed in the Organizations grid.

  1. Select the organization's link to open the organization record.


Searching by Type

When you need to find a group of organizations of a given type (for example, elementary schools or parishes), do the following:

  1. On the Home page, select the Organizations tile to open the Organizations page.
  2. Select the type of organization from the Type dropdown list.

 The Type dropdown contains only the lookup values configured for the Organization Types list

For example, to find all organizations whose Type is set to High School, select High School:

The Organizations grid updates to show the names of organizations matching the type you selected. 

  1. Select the desired organization link to open the organization record.

Clearing Search Criteria

To clear your search criteria, click . The system refreshes the Organizations grid and returns the list to its original (unfiltered) state.


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© January 31, 2024 Safe Environment Program v2.31. ParishSOFT LLC, all rights reserved. ParishSOFT grants licensed users the right to unlimited duplication of this publication for internal use only.