Batch approval entails one final check of a batch to confirm that the contents are accurate. Unless otherwise specified, an approval check should generally consist of a random inspection of elements in the batch to confirm that data was entered as intended. After no errors are found during a random check, the batch is ready to be closed.
This topic provides suggestions for what areas to check when approving a batch. We strongly recommend that the person who has authority to approve a batch not be the same individual who entered data into the batch. The final reviewer should perform an approval check independently.
To approve a batch, you must have permission to access the fund the batch is associated with. Additionally, you must have Development User and/or Development Admin permissions tied to your login credentials. These permissions are set in the Administration module on the Diocese Directory & Web Solutions tab in a given staff user's record. Access to the Administration module is restricted to organization administrators only.
How to Create a Postings List Report for a Batch
How to Fix Batch Detail Errors
How to Fix Posting Errors in a Batch
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